About the Author

I am Miriam — a reader, writer, poet, homeschool graduate, and daughter of the King.

I count my Charlotte Mason education among my greatest blessings. Since my childhood, my parents surrounded me with classic literature and encouraged me to hone the gifts that God has given me. I dreamed of crafting stories like the ones I read, of touching readers as I had been touched.

When I was five years old, I made my first “book,” which I proudly titled Brother Bear and Sister Bear. I couldn’t write yet, but I can remember drawing the illustrations with crayon and stapling the pages together. Though now faded and fragile, it is still a favorite with my younger siblings. 🙂 

Over the years I’ve become more interested in elves and fairies and “the unexpected luck of widow’s sons”1 than anthropomorphic animals. I’ve had a handful of poems, articles, and short stories published, and even contributed to The Lost Tales of Sir Galahad (Rabbit Room Press, 2022). But my main source for pride and joy (not to mention sweat and tears) is my fantasy novel-in-progress. It is still in the first draft stage, but slow and steady wins the race — right?

I have also developed a deep connection with the work of J. R. R. Tolkien. Like him, I believe storytelling is an honor and a part of being made in God’s Image. Through storytelling, we can pull back the veil that fell over the world at the Fall, echoing the Glory beyond in anticipation of the coming Happily Ever After. That is what I hope to do here.

Anyway, that’s me. Now I’d like to get to know you! Feel free to tell me about yourself in the comments. 🙂

About the Blog

This is where I share my writing. I ramble about myths and fairy tales, review the books I’m reading, talk about Tolkien, and share anything else that makes me happy. Sometimes I even post poetry and short stories of my own! 

Why “The Glass Hill”? At the time that I set up this blog, I was reading Andrew Lang’s fairy books. In several tales, a hero must struggle up a slippery hill of glass to reach the beautiful princess at the top. He must climb upwards in spite of fear and pain if he is to succeed in his quest. Without the aid of a little magic he could not succeed at all. I couldn’t help thinking of the quest which is placed before all. The way is steep and daunting, but His grace will see us through. 

Higher Up and Further In!

~ Miriam Novotny ~


  1. Bilbo Baggins in chapter one of The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien: “Gandalf, Gandalf! Good gracious me! . . . Not the fellow who used to tell such wonderful tales at parties, about dragons and goblins and giants and the rescue of princesses and the unexpected luck of widows’ sons?”

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